Meursault guilty or not guilty

In an attempt to prove if meursault should be found guilty or not it would be helpful to quote the passage. The prosecutor accuses meursault of not feeling any remorse for his crime, and meursault admits to himself that he never felt much remorse about anything. But what the public fails to understand about him is his lack of emotions toward killing a man, and even though it shouldnt be part of the case. Confident in his ideas about the world, meursault is an unemotional protagonist who survives without expectations or even aspirations. At the beginning of meursaults trial, the judge questions meursault about why he put his mother in a home, and if it taunted him. It is not for the murder alone that meursault is convicted.

Both crimes sever their actor from society in the same way. His coldblooded account of shooting the man four more times after he posed no threat. The stranger albert camus existential novel the stranger ends with the protagonist meursault being found guilty of premeditated murder and sentenced to death. In the stranger, prove if meursault should be found guilty or not. The stranger, by albert camus, is a novel about meursault and how he is a stranger to society. In albert camuss the stranger, what is meursault actually on. Yes, he had the gun in the hand and shot the bullet that killed the arab. In paris, before his fall, clamence had been a highflying and well respected lawyer. While there are some people who might find such relationships unsatisfying and limited, meursault and those he is connected to seem to be content with their friendships. Meursault describes the turning point of the novel, the moment he murders the arab who drew a knife. And in this scene, he has to undergo a pain given by the sun.

First of all, in the part i, we see that meursault is only driven by his sensations and external feelings. He is confronted with legal mechanics and is a stranger in this new world, without any knowledge of. The reasoning that underlies the guilty verdict in meursaults trial also implicates the chief prosecutor. I feel camus was expressing the need to avoid that rift because without our passions were worthless creatures not worthy of retrospect. He has no reason to kill maliciously but does in self defense in the heat of the moment. The magistrate calls meursault monsieur antichrist. During his summation, the prosecutor describes meursaults complete lack of remorse and feeling, and he calls him a monster. Meursaults lack of emotion at his mothers death is the touchstone for camuss message, and thus for the critical response to the novel.

The emotionless antihero, monsieur meursault, embarks on a distinct philosophical journey through the stranger. Because he does not cry at his mothers funeral he is viewed with suspicion and finally condemned to death. In the stranger, prove if meursault should be found guilty. Meursault is taken back to prison where he will await execution. If meursault is in fact guilty of murder, and if death is the. The chaplain continues to approach him longer and farther, more and more, begging him to see more of the situation. I felt no pity for meursault because his lack of feelings disillusioned my opinion about his character and i feel that meursault was asking for trouble when he shot the arab on. And meursaults explanation of an asyndeton 1490 words. If he had, then camus message would not have carried the weight it needed to express the intensity of his ideals. But if he doesnt draw his knife, you cant shoot, 57. Spoken by meursault, the novels narrator and protagonist, these are the opening lines of the novel. Do you think by the end of the novel meursault still feels a bit guilty about his mothers death. He is confronted with legal mechanics and is a stranger in this new world, without any knowledge of this foreign, legalistic environment. Yet it is not enough that meursault be convicted on spurious and irrelevant facts.

It is the violent eruption of his unacknowledged guilt. However, this does not make his a fair trial and sentence by any stretch of the word, as the prosecutors dubious claims that meursault is morally guilty of killing his mother and that he is also guilty of the parricide are unrelated to the facts of the case and unfairly taint the. Therefore, meursault is not the stranger, an alien to society, but a troubled man seeking meaning and satisfaction in a life and a world that was overwhelming unsatisfactory and absurd. The conventional understanding is a cold, unfeeling homicide, but the victim was the brother of meursaults runningmates for lack of a better term mistress. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The fact that meursault doesnt cry at his own mothers funeral demonstrates how meursault is disconnected from the normal human emotions of grief that usually accompany death.

We are given very little information why meursault is on the outside of society camus does not care to give us a backstory. It was published as the outsider in england and as the stranger in the united states plot summary. Could there been a motive for the murder by meursault in camuss the stranger. Meursault believes that he is god meursault does not believe in god meursault believes that he is not religious enough meursault will not admit that he is guilty of murder see answers 1 ask for details.

I dont think meursault really cared if he was guilty or not. I feel that meursault was judged more on his character than the actual crime. Rather than decide whether he is guilty of murder, the prosecutor seeks to prove how meursault is an unloving and uncaring individual, that he has. Meursault s consciousness registers each shot as portending his own ruin. There appears to be no single direct or concrete reason for his act. He finds no moral aberration in the protagonist of part i. When does meursault realize that for the first time he was. Instead of lying to her or giving a vague answer meursault told her that he probably didnt love her, but it wasnt important anyway. The disruption of the calm beach setting by the gun reports echoes meursault s transition from innocence to guilt. It struck me that all i had to do was to turn, walk away, and think no more about it. He proclaims that meursault is not only morally guilty of killing his mother, he is also guilty of parricide. Meursault certainly hates life in prison at first, he hates not being able to smoke, he hates not being able to be with women, and most of all he hates not having the idle freedom he was so used to. Meursault is found guilty and is sentenced to death.

In the stranger, meursault is a nihilist who does not think it is important to be moral or behave in a way that benefits others. Follow report log in to add a comment answer expert verified 3. Meursault is truthful, therefore not only is his guilt dealt with at the murder trial, but his personal views and opinions come out as well. He is truthful, regardless of whether or not the truth may hurt. According to camus, not only is meursault innocent, he is the only authentic. But were not really in the short answer game, at least not when it comes to characters as infamous as our meursault. Meursault still does not know whether or not a lawyer is necessary, for a lawyer still seems superfluous.

No seaweed i do not think he felt the least bit guilty about any of his lifes choices. Meursault realizes that he is guiltyof being coldhearted, not of shooting the arab. But his trial isnt about whether or not he pulled the trigger, or if he had good reason to. The stranger what influenced meursault to kill the arab. However, because there is no rational explanation for meursaults murder, the defense and prosecution merely end up constructing their own explanations, which. If meursault is in fact guilty of murder, and if death is the appropriate penalty. Meursault is truthful to himself and others throughout the stranger.

Meursault was sentenced to death for murder without extenuating circumstances. In the end everyone is equally guilty and equally worthy. In part, camus honors the discovery meursault makes about himself and his absurd place in the universe, in the face of this death sentence for a crime which was far from premeditated. Meursault should be found guilty because he killed someone. If the defense attorney presented a strong defense or maybe if meursault defended himself, he would not have been found guilty and sentenced to death by decapitation. Conversely, clamence is an absurdist, who tries to find meaning. Meursault is found guilty for the charge of premeditated. The crime is meursaults lack of morals and refusal to participate in a moral code, reflecting the quotation camus gives about his hero. This is equivalent to first degree murder, willful and premeditated. Meursault s lawyer fires back with the rhetorical question of, come now, is my client on trial for burying his mother or killing a man. When meursault steps toward the cool water of the spring, the arab draws his knife.

Mersault and his trial in albert camuss the stranger. The man with knowledge of the absurd does not give into the game or the program but acknowledges that his actions on earth do not amount to much or matter for anything or anybody. He knows he is guilty and that everyone believes him to be guilty. The disruption of the calm beach setting by the gun reports echoes meursaults transition from innocence to guilt. The public has come to know of him as a murderer, which, in the event, he did murder an arab. The frightening aspect of this testimony is that meursault begins to feel guilty and becomes even more aware that he is being condemned on false charges when the doorkeeper is asked to repeat his statements. This he has been advised not to do and so he remains silent.

But for the sake of all of those suffering, i also am genuinely looking forward to this being over as soon as possible but not without a. The first shot lifts the veil from his eyes, and the tone of the scene changes. Oct 02, 2014 i dont think meursault really cared if he was guilty or not. This quote shows that meusault is not the type of person to kill without reason.

If meursault is in fact guilty of murder, and if death is the appropriate penalty, then. In albert camus book the stranger, meursault kills a character known as the arab for no real reason at all. Meursault does not express any remorse upon learning of his mothers deathhe merely reports the fact in a plain and straightforward manner. A defender of the weak and hero of the downtrodden, he actively sought out. He did not kill out of hate, premeditation, insanity or involuntarily. The prosecutor connects meursaults crime to the parricide being tried the next day. Who assures meursault that he should not feel guilty for having sent his mother to the home. We vie to inject logic inside our world because to accept the idea that there is not rationale for anything, including our own existence, is unthinkable. They introduce meursaults emotional indifference, one his most important character traits. He definitely did not deserve the death sentence if thats all they were judging him on. Premeditation and responsibility in the stranger jonathan masur. Meursault uses the word guilty in an emotional, not a legal sense he always knew he had shot the arab but now he knows how much people despise him for. Meursaults consciousness registers each shot as portending his own ruin.

Meursault is an existentialist who believes in the absurdity and lack of meaning of life. I think that this is partly because meursault knows that he is guilty, so he sees the merits of him being imprisoned, and because having a small space completely to himself allows him to become the master of his own personal space. Read the courtroom scene very carefully, especially the prosecutors speech and what the witnesses say. The verdict on meursault, nottingham french studies 10. The stranger is albert camuss first novel, published in 1942. Meursaults case, it seems, is not important because the case immediately. Meursault commits the unmotivated murder of an arab on the beach in algiers and is brought to justice. In albert camus the stranger, meursault killed an arab man on a sunny moroccan. In albert camuss letranger the stranger to what extent is. The stranger meursaults trial essay 1020 words bartleby. It lies along the foot of the cotedor escarpment, around beaune and with the broad saone valley plain to its east. Many people believe that they cant do anything to protect their privacy online, but thats not true. The frightening aspect of this testimony is that meursault begins to feel guilty and becomes even more aware that he is being condemned on false charges when the doorkeeper is asked to repeat his statements about smoking and about drinking coffee. It might actually have been the cause of the guilty verdict at his trial for killing the arab.

Could there been a motive for the murder by meursault in. Unlike most, he doesnt feel it necessary to lie in order to make others feel better. Meursault produces mainly white wines from chardonnay grapes, primarily in a style with a clear oak influence, which have led to descriptions such as buttery. The protagonistnarrator of his absurdist adventures, meursault is a detached.

Meursault simply accepts his fate as is, without understanding what sin is. Meursaults plague with human absurdity in camuss the stranger in accordance with natural human behavior, we feel as though for every action there is a reaction, as well as a reason. Consider the scene when the examining magistrate waves his crucifix almost directly over meursaults head and attempts to evoke a religious revival. Meursault is found guilty of premeditated murder and sentenced to death by guillotine. In albert camuss letranger the stranger to what extent. The objective facts that the book gives us about meursault. In the stranger, prove if meursault should be found guilty or. The novel is concerned with the absurd and touches on the french colonization of algeria. The truthfulness of meursault in the stranger essay bartleby.

He is given his small cell, and he spends months exploring it. The prosecutor goes on to assert that meursault has committed a crime against society because he is morally guilty of killing his mother. But when meursault goes on trial, this man becomes suddenly judgmental during his testimony and casts meursaults actions in a negative light. At this point, not only does he realize that he is on trial more for his character than his crime, but he condemns himself for that very character. However, as the trial progresses and the evidence is brought out, the judge and jury. It is meursaults utter rejection of all things irrational that separate him from his fellow man and make him a stranger. However, once he gets acclimated to life in prison, he is living like his life has purpose, something he was not doing when he was on the outside. The stranger summary a research guide for students.

For example, in chapter four marie asked meursault if he loved her. In albert camuss the stranger, what is meursault actually. He himself points out to his attorney that, as concerns his act on the beach, his case is very simple. The frightening aspect of this testimony is that meursault begins to feel guilty and. The prosecutor then states how because meursault did not cry at his mothers funeral, and is associated with raymond, he is not only guilty but also malevolent monster. His aloofness, though, may not have saved him from suffering. At the beginning of meursaults trial, the judge questions meursault about why he. Criminal trials often captivate the publics attention, especially when the charge involves murder. Albert camus mersaults view of his mothers death showing.

Meursault has shot a man in cold blood for no significant reason at all. Its about whether he loved his mother, and the prosecutor even admits it himself meursault is accused of burying his mother with crime in his heart. So what camus is trying to convey is that even if all the evidences would technically find him guilty, he is not. It follows the life of meursault, a french algerian whose apathetic responses to life get him in trouble socially and eventually get him killed. The title character of the stranger is meursault, a frenchman who lives in algiers a piednoir.

Meursault realizes what he just did not that he killed someone, but that he broke the balance of the day and embraces the absurdity of the situation, owns it and becomes the actor, instead of the sufferer. The question becomes not one of guilt or innocence but rather the meaning of meursaults very real guilt within the context of the story. After meursaults arrest, those responsible for upholding justice constantly dismiss meursaults sincere recollections of his past and alas condemn the guilty for his genuinity. What, if anything, do you feel meursault learned from his mothers death. Aug 08, 2016 after meursaults arrest, those responsible for upholding justice constantly dismiss meursaults sincere recollections of his past and alas condemn the guilty for his genuinity. In this case, the lawyer, with public support, goes in for the kill. The prosecutor is triumphant because his witness testimony has blackened meursaults image in the jurys minds. But is that the only thing or even the main thing that the court finds him guilty of. Meursault realizes what he just did not that he killed someone, but that he broke the. Meursault even acknowledges that he doesnt have to kill the arab. The trial and conviction of meursault an example of. Yet, in america, one is innocent until proven guilty, even when the outcome of a particular situation seems obvious.